my fancy frame
- Author By opjorjaw
- Publication date November 27, 2022
- Categories: Hanga | Create
- No Comments on my fancy frame
Our class room made christmas stuf like
santa rocks
Salt Tine Brak
christmas cracers
Today i went on the bus and i was very uncomfortable because it was Very bumpy on the bus but i still had fun and we lift at 9 to the movies to watch Dame whina cooper and we weren’t allowed to bring lollies and it was emotional but on the why Bach and whaea jonella and We the movie was it was in kaitaia cinema te Ahu movies.
This is my tukutuku Panel and i’ved workt on it for about a term in a half we had to wait for Awhina for about 5 weeks and i finaly finaf it.
On the mataiki moning we sang songs. It was cold.